Thanks to the hard work and dedication from Manx Utilities, AECOM consultants and APG-Neuros, the new aeration blowers and control system installed in 2018 are delivering more accurate air flow with less DO deviation whilst saving energy.
Project Background
Running since 2004, Meary Veg was developed as part of the original IRIS project and is the Island’s largest waste water treatment facility, treating sewage from the sewer networks connected to Douglas, Onchan, Union Mills and the south, as well as sludge from regional sewage treatment works and domestic septic tanks. As the operational life of the equipment was reaching 13 Years, Manx utilities and consultants AECOM started looking at potential suppliers for new equipment to replace the existing that was at the end of it’s operational life. During this investigation, aeration blowers were highlighted as a change component due to the increasing cost of maintenance and downtime. AECOM proceeded to draft an initial design requirement for the aeration blowers based on a population/site demand increase over the next 20 Years which included design, supply and installation of the new equipment.
Manx Utilities requested that all tenderers make a site visit to ensure that there were to be no
anomalies of increase to cost after the submitted tender cost. During the site visit, our site engineers discovered some anomalies in the tender design and proceeded to design a compliant tender and an alternative tender (based on site gathered data).
In November 2017, APG-Neuros proceeded to a site tender meeting to discuss the two submittals provided and the reasons for the alternative submittal, this also inclusive of the additional services that could be provided by APG-Neuros to further advance the aeration system. In early December, APG-Neuros were awarded the contract to complete the blower and control system replacement from design to installation and finally handover.
Project Development
In January 2018, a final site review and data gathering exercise of 14 days was undertaken to ensure that the correct and final design submittal was signed off by the customer. During the 14 Day review period, some addition items were requested for completion as accessories to the project. In February 2018, delivery of the Purchase Order by Manx Utilities to APG-Neuros authorized the start of the turnkey project for blower and control replacement. At the same time, APG-Neuros Project Management drafted and delivered a project plan which estimated start in early May 2018 with completion mid June 2018 totaling 5 weeks to completion including commissioning.
APG-Neuros provided subcontract rolls for Manx Utilities authorized subcontractors to ensure a safe and swift project delivery based on the designs submitted. The subcontractors were presented with the designs to ensure as much off-site manufacture or preparation works could be completed before the project start date.
The initial project plan suggested changing the blowers and the control system within a live sewage treatment works would take an estimated 5 weeks including commissioning. Due to the upfront design completion, review and close communication with the subcontractors the total project including commissioning was completed in a total of 3 weeks, reducing the initial project plan by 2 weeks.
The initial upfront data gathering and design review enabled a safe and successful project delivery, that was delivered early and on budget. The new blowers and control system are delivering more accurate air flow with less DO deviation whilst saving energy.
The design allowed for the removal of the existing 90kW blowers and installation of 75kW blowers that have the ability to deliver up to 30% more system airflow than the existing allowing for growth expansion in the treatment process. The review of the design ensured the correct sized blowers were delivered based on actual data not calculated data. The delivered system has enough capacity for short term growth, and also allows the potential for further expansion of a fourth blower if necessary. The design in this instance allows for procurement of only necessary equipment and relevant consumptions for today with the potential to upgrade in the future.
Manx Utilities have taken the APG-Neuros RMS (Real Time Monitoring) system for ongoing remote support and optimizing of the system. This allows APG-Neuros analytical team to support the customer and make observations on operating blowers and potential for further optimization.